Refrigerator Repair

If something goes wrong with your refrigerator, you want an expert you can trust to fix the problem quickly and minimize downtime. If you live in the greater Washington Metro area, that company is Lesnna Appliance Repair. We provided top notch in Washington to homeowners and we’re always here to help, should you have any problems with your fridge.

If your refrigerator suddenly stops working, the first thing you should check is the power. Try unplugging the refrigerator and plugging something else into that outlet to see if it is the cause of the problem. You should also check your fuses and circuit breaker. If your refrigerator has power but it isn’t running, call a professional appliance repair person. It could be the compressor, the thermostat, or the wiring, all of which needs a professional to fix.

Refrigerator Problems

A refrigerator is a relatively complex piece of machinery so there are many things that can go wrong, especially when you consider that it is running almost every hour of every day. Here are some of the components your device has that can develop problems:

• Compressor
• Evaporator Coil
• Evaporator Fan
• Defrost Heater
• Thermostat
• Condenser Fan
• Condenser Coil
• Defrost Timer
• Drain Pan
• Door Gasket

To give you a better idea of how your refrigerator works, here is a quick overview of what each component does.

When plugged in, your refrigerator compresses a coolant which is then circulated into the cooling unit where it evaporates at a much lower temperature than water. As it evaporates, it draws moisture and heat out of the cooling units, cooling your food.

Heat is exhausted at the top of the device, from the evaporator fan, and moisture is removed at the bottom from the condenser fan, eventually ending up in the drip tray. So, if any of these components fails, the entire machine will stop working properly. The compressor is needed to compress coolant into a liquid so it can recirculate and absorb more heat. The evaporator coil must be clean so it can exhaust heat from the unit. The defrost timer and thermostat must activate at the right time to remove excess ice and frost from the freezer and keep humidity as low as possible.

Professional Refrigerator Repairs

Refrigerator problems vary greatly. The most common problem, however, is that the device stops cooling properly. This can happen because of a bad door gasket, a weakened compressor, dirty evaporator coils or a clogged drain pain. If the refrigerator stops working completely, it can be due to any of its moving parts, including the evaporator fan, compressor or condenser fan.

Because there are so many moving parts and a variety of problems that can come up, the best course of action is to call a refrigerator repair professional who can thoroughly inspect your refrigerator for problems. Our highly trained fridge repair technicians can quickly and easily repair any fridge problem you might have.

Fridge Repair

For professional refrigerator repairs in Washington Metro area call Lesnna today. we have offered services ranging from compressor replacement to door gasket installation. If your refrigerator stops working for any reason or you simply aren’t sure what is causing an unusual noise when the fridge runs, give us a call and one of our trained technicians will inspect and repair the problem quickly.

Call for service today at 301-531-0139 or  Scheduled appointment today.